Frequently Asked Questions
"I am a Soul Guide – a guide to all that there is but has yet to be uncovered. I help people connect to their heart’s desire while aligning to their purpose and to all that is possible." - Jacqui Burak

What can you expect during a healing session?
Each session is different for every person and you may experience something different each time we meet. In the beginning, we may talk about any life areas you may want to focus on. If you aren’t clear no worries. I will use my intuition to determine how I can best support you. You have the opportunity to ask any questions and if I am given guidance I will share with you. You will spend a good amount of time in a comfortable position while I am doing the energy healing. I am a hands off healer which allows me to work with people in person or remotely. Next you will connect to a higher vibrational energy. I will use vibrational energy to help release any old energy that is no longer serving you. The higher vibrational energy will help shift and raise your vibration. Everyone experiences energy differently. Some feel calm, relaxed, peace or no sensations. Others may feel warm, cold, tingly, or pulsing sensations. No matter which camp you are in trust that the work is happening and you are receiving just what you need. We will have a chance to connect and I may teach you tools or techniques or give suggestions to help support the healing work.
How can energy healing happen during a session when you are not with me?
Energy healing that happens when I am not in the same room as someone is called remote or distance healing. The healing is possible as energy healing does not require close proximity. Distance does not matter. It works similarly to the way that electricity works. Electricity is energy that is usually generated in one location and is transmitted to other locations. Energy healing works in a similar way as I connect in with your energy and work intuitively for your higher and best. I channel the universal life force energy that we all have access to and it transfers to you. You sit or lay down in a relaxed position and the session works similarly as if we are together. For me it works the same either way and it allows me to work with people all over the world. I have many clients whom I have never met in person.

What type of energy healing do I do?
Over the years, I have learned a number of healing modalities that I use in my sessions. My healing process is very organic and fluid. I find that working solely through my intuition allows for organic and powerful impact and results. I find that working with and balancing all 4 levels is most effective in making shifts and changes to better serve you. My sessions are unique in that they are interactive and organically tailored for each person. Any tools or techniques I teach you help with keeping the affects to last longer and quicker shifts and movements happen. The follow up action items that I give you is customized and helps to support the work that we did together in our session.
What types of things is energy healing helpful for?
Pain in your body
Relationship challenges
Health issues and wellbeing
Fear, sadness, grief, anger
Restoring balance which increases energy
Opening a deeper connection and empowerment to your higher self
Helps with ease in transitions
Increasing intuition which helps to create more clarity
Abundance difficulties
Releasing limiting thoughts and beliefs which keep you from making movement
Career dissatisfaction
And so much more!